BSc(Hons) BDS(Hons) MFDS RCPS(Glasg) IMOS
Associate Dentist, London
Dentist with Enhanced Skills (DWES) in Oral Surgery (Previously Dentist with a Specialist Interest)
Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) Level 2 Accredited​
Certificate in Implant Dentistry
Invisalign® Go Provider
Sometimes having a gap in your smile can affect your confidence, and there are many ways that a gap can be restored - there are removable options and a variety of fixed options. Therefore discussing the most appropriate options with your Dentist is very important.
To put it simply, a bridge is a fixed replacement for a missing tooth. The fake tooth/teeth are held in place by the tooth/teeth next to 'bridge' the gap.
Missing teeth can happen due to a number of reasons, a tooth can be congenitally missing (missing from birth), or lost due to trauma, decay, fracture, the list goes on...
There are several different types and styles of bridges - this page is by no means a comprehensive guide on all the different bridges out there, but will hopefully give you an idea of the most common ones.

This patient had a congenitally missing upper right 1st premolar, and because this had never been addressed when he was younger, it caused his canine to drift backwards, exposing another gap further forwards.
There were a number of different options discussed with this patient, but replacing the missing tooth with a bridge suited him regarding cost, needs and time.
The bridge used here was a resin-bonded bridge - where the replacement tooth was held in place using a metal attachment (wing) stuck (bonded) to the next door tooth.
This is a minimally invasive option, which often requires no drilling or injections.